Wednesday, May 28, 2008


ermmm... banyaknye homework nak kene siapkan b4 mid-term nie..
tu la..sape suh pending keje...padan muke aku!!!
nie tgh try siapkan webpage utk internet tech....
after this CoCoMo It security english
uwaaaaaaa nextweek dah start mid term plak... huhu tensionnyerrr!!!!
after mid-term nak present ET plak...aduhhh streesssssnyeeeRRR....
nasib baik CoCoMo x jadik present hehehe..leganyer..
ade saper2 volunteer nak tolong watkan assignment aku x?


Nashown said...

sabar2..bykkan isghtigfar...ingat Allah..sure sume jdik keje..nk tnyani ape yg tembmnyer ko..termbarm ktner..khe3

Helas木村 said...

ya la- ya la... aku tolong la buat.. aduss.....

pandainya.. d blog la pla mngadu.. esok aku hantar COCOMO ok??


sunnyside up said...

Ahhhh----I have heard so many students moaning and groaning over work, assignments, assessments and what-have-you.
BUT---this life is still the best ! I bet you---years later when u start working---you will miss this life---then you would give almost anything to have this life back again.